Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal 32645 4.9 3890 Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal
DOLIN Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal
VH Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal Power: 30 kw
Ratio 40:1
Motor 50Hz: 220V-380V; 4 Poles; IP55
Motor 60Hz: 380V-660V; 4 Poles; IP55
Model: Vertical
Ratio 40:1
Motor 50Hz: 220V-380V; 4 Poles; IP55
Motor 60Hz: 380V-660V; 4 Poles; IP55
Model: Vertical" /> Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal 4.9 3890
32645 Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal Power: 30 kw
Ratio 40:1
Motor 50Hz: 220V-380V; 4 Poles; IP55
Motor 60Hz: 380V-660V; 4 Poles; IP55
Model: Vertical
$$$ +(84)2873099639 VN DOLIN 845 tinh lo 43, Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh 70000 Vietnam VN
4.9 3890 4.9 3890 "Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal" 4.9 3890DOLIN DOLIN 05-01-2017 01:47:44 PM 4.9 3890 4.9 3890 " "Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal" DOLIN 4.9 3890 Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal 4.9 3890 4.9 3890
100,00 USD 05-01-2017 01:47:44 PM InStock 3.49 USD VN 0 1 DAY 1 5 DAY VN 60 CH MerchantReturnPolicy 60 Vietnam
Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal

Gear Motor 30KW ratio 40:1 Vertical and Horizontal

  • 05-01-2017 01:47:44 PM
    Views: 32645
  • Product code: VH
  • Power: 30 kw
    Ratio 40:1
    Motor 50Hz: 220V-380V; 4 Poles; IP55
    Motor 60Hz: 380V-660V; 4 Poles; IP55
    Model: Vertical

  • Brand DOLIN


gearmotor 30kw 40 details

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